Basketball is a team sport. However, this is where the importance of the leader is great. He alone can win the whole championship. Basketball came into existence more than a hundred years ago. Over the course of its existence, different basketball stars have appeared. Below are the most famous basketball players.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan became a true basketball star. He was an offensive guard. Because of his excellent play, as well as his strength of will and toughness, Michael was nicknamed “His Air.” He was voted the best defender in basketball.
Michael Jordan’s achievements:
– 6-time NBA champion;
– 5-time NBA MVP;
– 2-time Olympic gold medalist.
Many believe that Michael Jordan’s game can’t be compared to anyone else’s. His name has become a household name.
What made Michael’s game special was his unbridled passion for the game. It never waned. Jordan never wanted to lose. He overcame any adversity.

Interesting facts:
1. Michael played through injuries and overcame pain.
2. he came out with the flu and nearly passed out from dehydration.
3. he was convinced that a star couldn’t fade into the shadows.
4. he knew how to focus and move his body in the right direction.
Wilt Chamberlain
Wilt Chamberlain is the only player in the history of basketball to have been named on three teams at once. In all teams he has shown incredible performances.
Wilt Chamberlain’s main achievements:
– Was named NBA MVP four times;
– Set two records: Scored 100 points in one game and had 23,924 rebounds in his career;
For Wilt Chamberlain, there were no limits. He was only too happy to go above and beyond. He was able to prove to the world that everything is in the hands of man. If you have the will, you can achieve anything you want.
He was the dominant player in basketball and changed the course of the sport. Wilt was always trying to surpass the game. A feature of his game is that he was ambivalent about his play. Wilt refused to get close to the ring as he was afraid of injuring his opponents. This characteristic of Chamberlain allowed him to develop an excellent deflection shot.
Interesting facts:
– Best rebounder in the NBA on 11 occasions.
– Record 23,924 rebounds in NBA history.
– Record 55 rebounds in a single game.
– Wilt is considered one of the unlucky players in NBA history. This is due to the fact that he has been a hegemonic club for almost his entire NBA career.
LeBron James
LeBron James has phenomenal physical abilities. His talent, professionalism and hard work have made LeBron a true King of Basketball.
LeBron’s accomplishments:

– Four-time NBA champion.
– 13-time NBA All-Star First Team selection.
– Participated in All-Star Game 16 times and was voted Most Valuable Player three times.
The hallmark of his game is that he leaned his legs slightly to the side in his shooting technique, which took the pressure off his shoulders. Thanks to his technique, there is a smoothness to his game. Also when throwing he jumps high up and his index finger is always in the centre of the ball.
Interesting facts about LeBron James:
1. He first played as number 32 after Julius Irving.
2. He is a true connoisseur of basketball history.
3. LeBron made his first dunk in 8th grade when there was a student-teacher game.
4. He had eye surgery.
5. LeBron rides his bike to games.
Kobe Bryant
American basketball star Kobe Bryant played in the National Basketball League. He played for one team, the Los Angeles Lakers at the offensive guard position. He ranked among the top ten players in the NBA.
– 5 NBA titles;
– 18 NBA All-Star games;
– 2 NBA Finals MVP titles;
– 4 MVP titles;
– 30,000 points scored by age 35;
– 2 Olympic gold medals with Team USA.
Kobe’s tactic was to pursue his goal regardless of what anyone else thought. In order to achieve his goal, he was willing to give up everything: His time, his health and the ambitions of other basketball players.
Bryant was willing to find something new to make his shot even more accurate and accurate.
He was in no way hampered by any of his nearly 20 injuries. For an entire game, Bryant could give the ball to no one and then lead his team to victory
Interesting facts:
– The first time Kobe beat his father.
– First he stood on goal.
– Some tricks Kobe picked up from Goda Shemgod.
Magic Johnson
Magic Johnson is one of America’s best professional basketball players. He has played for the Los Angeles Lakers throughout his career. He is one of the most important basketball players in the world.
– 5-time NBA champion;
– 3-time NBA MVP of the season;
– 12-time All-Star Game participant;
– 10 times he’s been named to All-Star Teams at the end of the season;
– Twice he was named Most Valuable Player;
– Olympic champion.
Johnson had his own style of play, which he already used in his university years. He was able to identify all the developmental prospects of all his opponents.
Interesting fwkts:
1. he built a business empire;
2. Proved that HIV could be beaten.
3. Won the Olympics and quit basketball because of a scratch.