In modern basketball, dribbling and dribbling are fundamental principles of movement on the court. A player cannot take the ball in his hands and run to the basket.
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Techniques of throwing the ball into the basket
Basketball is particularly important for individual, two- or three-player exercises and games on technique of throwing the ball to the basket.
15 mistakes basketball players make in training
I hear phrases all the time: “Work hard,” “Work hard,” “Get out of your comfort zone,” “You have to work out every day. I think you’ve seen and heard them too.
I can do everything in training, but I can’t beat the game
You practice, you work on your dribbling every practice. You have the fastest translations on the exercises, the first step seems to be not bad either.
Basketball safety rules
In any sport, injuries are inevitable, both during games and during training. In order to reduce their number and consequences, safety procedures have been introduced.
Pivot in basketball
Today we will discuss such an unusual topic as pivot in basketball. You will find out what this word means very soon.
Interaction between players and referees in basketball
What is the best way for players to address the referee? Some can be extremely emotional
Basketball equipment. Descriptions and selection tips
In this article we are going to talk about basketball equipment. Our article will introduce you to basketball equipment, as well as help you choose the right equipment for your basketball practice.
Basketball court – marking standards
The requirements for the marking of the basketball court are approved by FIBA standard. The court must be flat with a hard surface, without bends, cracks and other interferences.